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Dec 3, 20211 min read
Seeking legal advice when charged with a criminal offence
Being charged with a criminal offence is an extremely anxious and daunting experience that can dramatically impact your life and your...

Oct 25, 20211 min read
Salvation Army Wills Day – Petherick Cottrell Lawyers
On the 28th of October 2021, the Salvation Army Mandurah has organised a Community Wills Day, providing people with the opportunity to...

Oct 19, 20212 min read
Collaborating with you!
Mandurah now has a team of collaborative lawyers trained to resolve family law disputes in a respectful and dignified way, without...

Oct 1, 20211 min read
Petherick Cottrell advises local business owners on sale of shares to ASX-listed company
Petherick Cottrell Lawyers is delighted to have assisted the founders of Orbis Mining Pty Ltd (Orbis) on the sale of 50% of the shares in...

Sep 21, 20211 min read
Changes to casual employment laws
If you’re a business with casual employees, you should be aware of recent changes to casual employment laws. By 27 September 2021,...

Sep 9, 20212 min read
Should I have terms and conditions, a disclaimer and a privacy policy for my website?
Website terms and conditions Website terms and conditions should be included on websites which provide a paid-for product, service or...

Jul 21, 20211 min read
Business structuring advice
Are you in the process of starting a new business (or already own a business) and are not sure which business structure is most suitable...

May 27, 20213 min read
How to make a Will
A will is a legal document that states your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and the care of any children. If you die...

May 27, 20211 min read
Can employers require their employees to have a COVID-19 vaccine?
Employers are required to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace as part of workplace health and safety laws. There...

May 3, 20213 min read
Decision on Sexual Harassment
Landmark sexual harassment decision Sexual harassment is a minefield for both employees and employers. Unlike workplace bullying and...

May 3, 20213 min read
Residential Tenancies (COVID-19)
Residential Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 What does the Act do? Prevents landlords from evicting residential tenants who have...

Legal News & Affairs
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